Converge will be playing the 2016 Roadburn Festival, which will take place next year in Tilburg, NET, at 013 sometime in April. That alone is fairly exciting, except for the first (and probably last) time ever, the band will be playing its landmark 2001 album Jane Doe front to back! Holy shit!
As if that wasn't a whole different level of insane, the band will then proceed to follow that set up with a set titled Blood Moon. That one will be alternate renditions of the band's less insane material and it'll feature Chelsea Wolfe, Ben Chisholm (Chelsea Wolfe), Stephen Brodsky (Cave In, Mutoid Man) and Steve Von Till (Neurosis). Not that he was in the band for too long, but it'll be cool to see Brodsky back up on stage with the band since he departed in 1998.
Jane Doe will be performed on April 14 and Blood Moon on April 16. There better be a double live album of this that comes out.