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Viral Video of the Day Millennium: "What The Fuck Is Up, Denny's?"

A 2013 clip of a hardcore band playing a Denny's has resurfaced.

A 2013 clip of a hardcore band playing a Denny's has resurfaced.

This video clip is from 2013, but it's back in the metalsphere today after a tweet went absurdly viral.

A Houston hardcore band getting the crowd riled up…in a Denny's…by shouting "What the fuck is up, Denny's?"

MetalSucks points out the band's name is either Live Without or Ordinary Life based on another clip of the band found on Youtube. Turns out the show was in an abandoned Denny's, but it doesn't make the onstage call out any less amazing.


This is why DIY shows rule. This is slightly less amazing than the time that doom band played Waffle House. Hopefully, nobody was eating beans while this was happening.

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