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DEFTONES Begins Work On New Record

Chino lied to us! He said no work until 2015.

Chino lied to us! He said no work until 2015.

Deftones, specifically vocalist Chino Moreno, have really been toying with my emotions over the past month. First we thought the band were going to just chill out in 2014 when Moreno said they won't get together to work on new material until next year. Moreno then said he was misunderstood and the band would indeed be working on material at some point this year, maybe.

How soon? Now soon!

Moreno was interview by Soundwave TV last week when he said the band had begun on a new record.

"I haven't personally started [writing], but the other guys started last week, actually. So I'm excited to hear what they've done so far. I'm gonna check in with them next week."

It might be safe to assume we won't see the record until 2015, but at least there's definitely a new one in the works! Moreno also said he plans to announce that we've misunderstood him once more sometime within that next week and reveal the band are broken up completely.

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