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EMMURE Appears To Be Teasing Studio Time With Its New Lineup

The Glass Cloud Tapdance Emmurevaganza, coming soon.

The Glass Cloud Tapdance Emmurevaganza, coming soon.

Emmure, who is still fronted by Frankie Palmeri, recently confirmed that its new lineup consists of Josh Travis (Glass Cloud, ex-The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravagazna), bassist Phil Lockett (ex-The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravagazna) and drummer Josh Miller (ex-Glass Cloud). So basically Josh Travis groups with Palmeri behind the mic, which in no way is a bad thing.

While the lineup is good live, we'll soon get to hear what the collective comes up with in terms of new material. Emmure posted a picture seemingly indicating that it was going to hit up the studio "soon," according to the descriptive emoji anyway.

What The Glass Cloud Tapdance Emmurevaganza will sound like is anyone's guess, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't really curious.

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