Apparently two full-lengths last year wasn’t enough to slow down filthy doom purveyors Fistula. The band has recently announced two split 7-inchers to be released later this fall. Currently, tracking is in the works.
Now, I know what you’re thinking (if you’re a listener): it’s Sabbath. Hey, they wanted to do a split with the band, if The Shape of Doom to Cumm))) told us anything. Surprisingly, no. But they should…if they were still a band (maybe there’s another farewell in the works, who knows).
The first of the bands on the announcement is a little sludge group called Come to Grief (formerly known as Grief). Nothing, you know, major. Except the masterpiece that is Depression, or Miserably Ever After, or Dismal, or their splits with Corrupted, Suppression, Soilent Green or…
16. Yeah. 16. You know, that band that released the excellent Lifespan of a Moth last year. And is responsible for Curves That Kick and Drop Out. Not a big band, you know, no one that’s been around since the 90s. Just like (Come to) Grief.
You can look forward to your bones and body being crushed in five or six-months. The splits will be released via PATAC Records. And if this isn’t enough, two more splits have been announced but the bands undeclared. Keep your eyes peeled and we’ll keep you posted. Until then, get into these bands if you aren’t already.
In the meantime:
Fistula: Facebook, Twitter
Come to Grief: Facebook
16: Facebook, Twitter, Shop
PATAC Records: Facebook, Twitter, Shop
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