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GRAND MAGUS Announce Their New Triumph And Power Record

Hold on to your viking hat kids, because Grand Magus are releasing a new record in 2014! Also if you don't own a viking hat I suggest buying one. They add at least +20 metals to your persona and chicks dig it.

Grand Magus will be dropping their Triumph and Power record on our collective heads come January 31, 2014, via Nuclear Blast. The band had to say about the record via the Nuclear Blast website:

Triumph And Power has been completed. It's a metal triumph of Viking power! Once again we worked with Nico Elgstrand as producer, a tradition that started with Hammer Of The North back in 2010. This is our strongest album yet. It has the northern feel. It has the power and the melody that has become our mark of excellence. Fans of true metal will take this album to their hearts. To top everything off, we have the striking and epic artwork of Anthony Roberts. The album cover perfectly captures the work on this album and Grand Magus as a band. Stay true!”

Not that you're going to hear much in the way of new music, but you can check out the band's series of studio updates right here! If it'll convince you to check it out, the little snippet of music they use for the introductory segment is stuck in my head something fierce… and it's only about three or so seconds of music. That's power!

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