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LAMB OF GOD To Enter Studio This Spring For New Album

Lamb of God are ready to enter the studio and work on new material. That's the indication that guitarist Mark Morton gave in a recent interview.

Morton spoke to ‘The Metal Teddy Bear Experience‘ on WMSC-90.3, Morton and noted they've been writing and have lined up some studio time:

“We are writing too. We got a bunch of new material, a whole lotta new song ideas that we’re sifting through. Pretty far along in the song writing process for the new album—not finished, but pretty far along.

Touring coming up, we got a start of tour with Slayer in May and then we’re going to Europe in June and July and then we’ll be in the studio before that and after that, so it’s cranking.”

Morton has said the band already has demos, although they don't have a concrete timetable for a release just yet. This is one of our most anticipated releases of 2019.

Last October, drummer Chris Adler called into the RIP a Livecast, and revealed a ton of info on the writing process at the time.

"I got together with Josh [Wilbur, producer] a few weeks ago, and just documented some stuff they [Wilbur and guitarists Willie Adler and Mark Morton] had in the library of what they do. Josh is coming out here at the end of November, for me and him to sift through it and find the ideal stuff, you know, that we both think is cool and we put the drums to it. Not to say that I'm any kind of overseer of anything, but in the way we typically do things, it would be us five in a rehersal room. But the guys wanted a chance to just document some stuff prior to that process. So, I'm doing the same thing with Josh. So we'll come into that room, probably, I'd guess, early next year to take the best from that and begin the process of giving each other stink-eye [laughs] in the room as we present ideas."

When asked if they weren't in a rush to start recording, Adler responded "I wouldn't say we are not in a rush. There is like the creative rush. The last thing we did has been a bit – it's been a while ago. There's nothing more that we'd love – the road is a pain in the ass – but the creative process is really the best part of this whole thing. And it's really been a long time since we've been able to do that. And I'm not saying we couldn't have chosen to do it, but we're able to get these offers for tours that are like endgame tours. Like, 'hey can you support Slayer for the rest of their world tour on their very last tour,' I mean who's saying no to that?" Adler continues. "It's unbelievable. Do I want to go to Europe and play some clubs and eat mayonnaise… no! [laughs] But if we can go with Slayer to the end of the road, are you kidding me? So we put off the creative process for a little bit, but everybody is pretty excited and ready."

"There is an overflow. Josh tells me that Willie comes into the process where they have this guitar session where they are just documenting stuff where Josh can say that's a cool riff or whatever, just basically so we don't forget it. So, Willie comes in with his home-based – Willie has his own studio, Mark has his own studio. So they're both bringing in stuff, creatively, rather than on the spot creativity. But, Willie brings in this file that is over four hours long of riff after riff after riff. It's not even separated, like this is a song or whatever. And Josh is like 'What the fuck? We're going to sit here for four and a half hours and listen to this thing?' It's crazy. So, the bucket is overfilled."

At the time, Adler said he hoped the album would be out "for Christmas presents for all your kids."

We're giving away a pair of tickets for each stop of Lamb of God's upcoming tour with Slayer, Amon Amarth and Cannibal Corpse. Enter to win below.

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