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Maynard Offers TOOL Update: "Nothing Is Recorded Yet" (But They're Close!)

Seriously. This is an actual, bona fide, legitimate-as-fuck update.

Seriously. This is an actual, bona fide, legitimate-as-fuck update.

Hey, remember a few weeks ago when we got super stoked that Tool was totally in the studio? Maynard seem to quickly put the kibosh on that calling fans "gullible." However! And this is a big however… frontman Maynard James Keenan took to the band's Facebook to give us the following update about the new record, which seems to finally nearing completion:

"I've been making regular trips to LA to check on the writing progress of my Tool brethren. Things are progressing nicely. Slowly, but definitely progressing. Nothing is recorded yet, but the guys are confident that the pieces are coming together swimmingly and will be ready for me to begin writing melodies and content 'soon'. I'm as anxious to get this album completed as everyone else. But as history will show, you can't rush these gents. Patience is Gold in this Sound Mine. In the meantime, as always, other things are simultaneously occurring. Life is too short not to create something with every breath we draw."

The reason I think Tool is finally progressing with this new record is simple: Tool doesn't say a damn thing when nothing is going on. All the information we've gotten prior has mostly been from interviews where the question was posed. This is information given to fans purely by Tool's own volition. Obviously we're still a little ways away from the new stuff, but things seem to be coming along nicely, or more than they're been in recent months.

New Tool 2015? Maybe. But, at the pace these guys work, unlikely.

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