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SOULFLY Wrapping Up Groovy, Fast New Album

"We're in the process of finishing it up right now. Hopefully it's gonna come out this year."

max cavalera

Soulfly is wrapping up sessions for their new album with producer Arthur Rizk (Code Orange, Power Trip, Cavalera Conspiracy). According to guitarist and vocalist Max Cavalera in an interview with Saint Vitus Presents: Age Of Quarantine, the new album is pretty groovy and will hopefully be out later this year.

"It's full-on. I think it's got kind of like the best of all the years," said Cavalera. "I think it's a compilation Max Cavalera record of the whole 50 years. That's what it feels like — it's got old stuff, it's got middle stuff, it's got very Soulfly vibes. It's got a lot of groove. It's got a lot of fast stuff. We're in the process of finishing it up right now. Hopefully it's gonna come out this year."

Cavalera added that he flew Rizk out to Arizona to record with the band, since the quarantine has really screwed things up.

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"It's that tribal groove power that people love. So I'm creating a record with that."


Shout out to photographer Annie Atlasman.

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"The grooves are fucking great — great grooves on that record."