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A New Zealand Kids' Show Featured Death Metal Band BLINDED AND LED TO THE WOODS

Live Footage

A New Zealand Kids' Show Featured Death Metal Band BLINDED AND LED TO THE WOODS

Like, performed live on The Erin Simpson Show.

We once posted the music video for "Meth Tooth" by the New Zealand death metal band Blindfolded And Led to the Woods, which was about 0% kid friendly. Though a recently unearthed YouTube clip originally from 2010 shows a very opposing side to my assertion that the band isn't exactly for children. 

Blindfolded And Led to the Woods once appeared on the New Zealand television show The Erin Simpson Show, and not like they just showed up. The show spoke to them, asked about gigs, and allowed them to perform multiple times.

According to the hostess, Blindfolded And Led to the Woods practiced next door to the show and they decided to invite them over. The best part is that the kids dancing in the background don't really seem to get what's going on, and to be fair, neither do we.

[via Loudwire]

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