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Will Ramos Doctor


Doctors Put A Camera Down LORNA SHORE Vocalist WILL RAMOS' Throat To Figure Out How He Does His Vocals

The results are super interesting! And gross.

If you've ever heard any of the Will Ramos-era of Lorna Shore, then you've likely said some variation of "what the fuck?" while listening. Dude is just an inhuman vocalist with an incredible range. Which then begs the obvious question of how exactly how's doing that in the first place. YouTuber The Charismatic Voice wondered the exact same thing, and teamed up with Drs. Ingo Titze and Amanda Stark (armed with a handful of cameras and years of medical knowledge) to find out. The results can be a little gross at times, but certainly interesting if you're willing to sit through it all!

"We brought Will Ramos out to Utah to find out physiologically what's happening in his larynx while he's making the deep gutterals, screamingly high goblins, tuvan throat singing and everything else in his repertoire," said The Charismatic Voice in the video's description. "Please Donate to the National Center for Voice and Speech (NCVS) to help fund projects like this one, and help disseminate the highest quality voice information to researchers and the public."

Lorna Shore recently announced their new record Pain Remains for an October release alongside the first single "Sun//Eater."

"We're so happy so be able to put out something different and new that further exemplifies who we've become as individuals and as a whole," said Ramos about the single and album. "This song/album really brings together everything that we've been working towards being and we couldn't be more excited to share it with you all."

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