Sikth will be releasing The Future In Whose Eyes? on June 2, which will be its first full-length without vocalist Justin Hill, and the band's first full-length in 11 years. You can check out the new single "Golden Cufflinks" above, which is all business and neon, and very clearly a shot at closing famous music venues to open boring ass whatever so-and-so's, according to vocalist Mikee Goodman.
“When I wrote the lyrics for ‘Golden Cufflinks,’ they were initially inspired by the amount of live music venues that are being closed and a feeling that rock culture is in decline. The venue which sticks out to me the most is the famous London Astoria. Some of the best SikTh shows were in the LA2 and main Astoria. I went a lot as a fan as well. So when that was closed and knocked down to make way for Crossrail, it really was a sad and defining moment in rock history for me and many others.
I think places of such rich history and cultural importance should be protected and preserved. I see this happening across the country and world — so many other venues being shut down and how scenes and golden eras come and go. How we have to move along or do it seems.
You see the business men buying up cities to turn them into the most profitable and bland form. It follows a similar theme from our song ‘Bland Street Bloom‘ from ‘Death Of A Dead Day.’ This happens in many cities; it is not just about London. ‘Golden Cufflinks‘ is a reflection and commentary of this kind of happening.”
Pre-order The Future In Whose Eyes? here.