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Televangelist Pat Robertson Advises To Hit Kids If They Listen To "Evil Music"


Televangelist Pat Robertson Advises To Hit Kids If They Listen To "Evil Music"

"It doesn't hurt to smack a little 11 year old around a little bit and say, 'You behave, you're not going to listen to that garbage in my house."

Oh my God, everything about this video is painfully stupid. First of all, the parent that wrote into the show is basically saying she doesn't know what to do with her child because they're essentially being a regular teenager. Y'know… like everyone does. Then Pat Robertson says to hit your kids to teach them disciple, if you do not want them to listen to "evil" music and instead to conform to your beliefs as a parent.

What I'm saying is that this video is a prime example of what not to do as a parent.

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