Barbie launched in 1959, and not once since the mid 80s has Mattel even tried to pander to the metal crowd. Gwenmarie White has set out to change that with her commercial for a black metal version of the doll, aptly dubbed "Black Metal Barbie ~ or ~ Daughters of Northern Darkness". Honestly, I think they should go with both names. They're too good.
Here are some more hilarious commercials:
- This Death Metal Commercial For Japanese Ramen Is Most Metal Commercial Ever?
- DORITOS Are Metal (1966 Commercial Mash Up)
- Watch: Lemmy's Funny Milk Commercial, Shot Right Before His Death
- MASTODON Guitarist Gives Kid Face Tattoo In Hilarious New ORANGE Commercial
- Leaked Folgers Commercial with KISS' Paul Stanley is the Creepiest Video You'll See Today
- This Black Metal Finnish Cough Drop Commercial is Basically The Best
- Goth Girl Has Awesome Father in Touching New TV Commercial
- METALLICA's SportsCenter Commercial Outtakes
- New Greyhound Commercial Suggests Bus Line is Perfect For Touring Metal Bands
- KFC Black Metal Commercial
- Black Metal FedEx Commercial