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This Nü Metal Music Video Made By A Christian High School Football Team In The 2000s Is So Awful It's Great

br00tal Comedy

This Nü Metal Music Video Made By A Christian High School Football Team In The 2000s Is So Awful It's Great

They also made their own song.

Nü metal has experienced a bit of a comeback in recent years, but let us remember when the genre was the cringiest of the cringe the first time around. A music video made by a Christian high school football team based out of Sammamish, WA in the early 2000s has recently re-surfaced on the Internet and it's a solemn reminder of the early nü metal days and just how bad it really was.

Despite its dated badness, the video and song are a hilariously fun watch. To the guys on the football team – sorry. You couldn't have known, but you grew up when the Internet was coming around and people were uploading everything.

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PSA: If you're drinking a beer, stay away from the pit.