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This Stylophone Cover Of METALLICA's "Master Of Puppets" Is A Retro Blaste

Mashups & Covers

This Stylophone Cover Of METALLICA's "Master Of Puppets" Is A Retro Blast

It's delightfully retro.

The stylophone, a miniature analog stylus-operated keyboard, was invented years before Metallica in 1967. YouTuber maromaro1337 still managed to bring the two together for a cover of "Master of Puppets," which sounds more like a killer chiptune track than it does something outdated.

It took a week but I finally got it! It was great fun and lots of constructive hard work. I cut out the 2 verses and choruses because they are melodically the same as the first one. The goal was playing all of the riffs and solos. It was my biggest Stylophone project so far.


The Riff/Clean Guitar parts were played simultaneously on two Stylophones S1 (left tuned to A, right tuned to D). The Clean Guitar parts had the left stylophone on the third setting while the right one was on the second setting.

Both Stylophones playing the harmony solo were tuned to D on the highest note

James's and Kirk's solos were both tuned to H on the highest note. On Kirk's solo I had to use the DigiTech Whammy, because there were some high notes

Bass was tuned to D on the lowest note

Stylophone Beatbox – tuned to H (on the hi-hat)

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