If you've ever wanted a metal version of Toto's 1978 hit "Hold The Line", then Two Minutes To Late Night has you covered. The cover features the following lineup of:
- Alex Skolnick (Testament, Alex Skolnick Trio)
- Rody Walker (Protest the Hero)
- Tanner Wayne (In Flames)
- Emily Lee (Shearwater, Loma, Snake Oil, Droneflower)
- Devin Shidaker (The Acacia Strain)
- Samantha Moble (Frozen Soul)
- Jordan "Gwarsenio Hall" Olds (Two Minutes To Late Night)
"LOVE ISN'T ALWAYS ONLINE! This is our 45th bedroom cover made with the support of Patreon. Become a Patreon patron today and get access to exclusive rewards like patches, t-shirts, even custom songs! Plus, you get to see every cover we make before it publicly premieres http://www.twominutestolatenight.com"
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