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WEAR YOUR WOUNDS (CONVERGE, CAVE IN, THE RED CHORD) Streams New Song "Rust On The Gates Of Heaven"
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WEAR YOUR WOUNDS (CONVERGE, CAVE IN, THE RED CHORD) Streams New Song "Rust On The Gates Of Heaven"

Also current and former members of Trap Them and Twitching Tongues.

Wear Your Wounds, the band featuring Jacob Bannon (Converge), Mike McKenzie (The Red Chord, Stomach Earth, Unraveller), Adam McGrath (Cave In, Nomad Stones), Sean Martin (Twitching Tongues, ex-Hatebreed, ex-Kid Cudi), and Chris Maggio (ex-Trap Them, ex-Sleigh Bells), will release their new record Rust On The Gates of Heaven on July 12. The record will also feature collaborations by Ben Chisholm (Chelsea Wolfe, White Horse) and Gared O'Donnell (Planes Mistaken For Stars, Hawks and Doves).

You can check out the title track above, which just premiered over at Revolver. The track is a slow, slow build to the end, but man is it worth the time invested. It also helps that the video is beautifully directed by Max Moore.

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