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Video Games

New Guitar Hero: Aerosmith looks mediocre at best


So Rolling Stone has this "first look" preview about the new Aerosmith-only Guitar Hero coming out, and I don't think I could be less excited. Why? Because the things that the RS article gets excited about are incredibly lame:

The band’s fingerprints are all over Guitar Hero: Aerosmith: Steven Tyler did all of his own motion capture work (he even let them capture his facial and lip movements; the close-ups are uncannily awesome) and every guitar in the game is a digital version of an instrument the band actually uses (the Joe Perry character has a different guitar for each song in the game). Even the menu pages are based around the rooms at the band’s studio/clubhouse Vindaloo, complete with candles and Tyler’s scarves.

SCARVES?!?! Holy crap, where is the pre-order link. The ultimate downer is that there are 45 songs, and 60% of them are Aerosmith songs and the rest are songs from bands that toured with them. The only bright light is a Kinks song (All Day and All Night) but seriously, did Guitar Hero forget who their demographic was? Most of the Guitar Hero afficianados weren't even born when Aerosmith was making their Walk This Way comeback. WHO CARES?? WHERE IS THE METAL ONLY PACK? GET ON IT GUITAR HERO!!!

But I digress…

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