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There's A Five-Minute Teaser For The Upcoming EXTOL Self-Titled

Just to add to the already huge hype of Extol announcing their self-titled and posting a sweet single, you can now hear five minutes of the new album! Hell yeah!


There is nothing to say about this teaser except "that's bullshit. I want the entire album right now." The thing that really gets me about all the music teased here is that it's absolutely identifiable as the band, yet it sounds unique amidst their entire catalogue. It's safe to say that Extol have done it again in terms of putting out a crazy good album that's miles ahead of their last while almost making them non-comparable. The cleans sound mechanical on this release too, which is actually kind of cool; switching it up never hurt anyone, right? Well, except for all the bands it has hurt. They did it wrong though. Extol has not.

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