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At The Movies

There's A Metal Concert Scene In The New Ghostbusters Movie

I wonder if Ozzy Osbourne still has a cameo?

I wonder if Ozzy Osbourne still has a cameo?

Last summer, a Boston newspaper ad was seeking metalheads to act as extras for the new Ghostbusters movie. There was even speculation that Ozzy Osbourne might be involved, but at the time we did not get any concrete info confirming or denying if there is a metal scene, and if the Prince of Darkness is in it.

Today, the second trailer for the new Ghostbusters film was released, and it's pretty clear the metal concert made the final cut. We see Melissa McCarthy's character stage diving, and also a giant demon ghost is born on stage:

metal concert ghostbusters 2

Leslie Jones' character is then, possibly, possessed by the demon ghost? I'm not really sure. Here's the trailer:


I think it's pretty cool metal gets a little shot out from one of my favorite franchises. As for  the film itself, I'll definitely see it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the theater for this one.

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