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Decibel's Clips of the Month

Decibel Clips of the Month June 2015: Tribulation, Gruesome, Royal Thunder & A Classic Clip from Fear Factory

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch picks from Tribulation, Gruesome, Royal Thunder and a classic clip from Fear Factory

Tribulation – “Strange Gateways Beckon”

Do you think that new Tribulation record cover is cool? Yeah, me too. Do you want to actually watch that woman dance around in a cape? Yeah, fucking me neither. But that is what you’re in store for if you last long enough through the band playing in a dark, foggy room that’s just filthy with candelabras. And honestly, with the fog machine going and the singer’s hair and complexion, it looks like they trapped the poor guy in a steam room until it was time for filming. Someone must have thought that style is pretty radical, but the whole video I’m just worried he’s not replacing his fluids quickly enough.

Gruesome – “Savage Land”

What am I supposed to do with this? This is just clips from old horror movies, all of them involving the “savages” trope where everyone in South America or Africa are uncivilized cannibals. No original footage, no storyline, zero context. I’m not really sure what to say about a video that’s essentially “Top Five Best Cannibal Death Scenes Ever Pt. 3 Thanks for Watching Please Click the Subscribe Button I Don’t Own This!” So, I won’t say anything else.

Royal Thunder – “Time Machine”

Live video with weird filters, that video projected on walls and ceilings, and then it goes on for seven minutes. There is a girl who may not be the singer who is in a nightgown and sometimes she stares at the screen as if to say, “I think lying on this bed and holding this candle is supposed to mean something, but I’m as baffled as you are, guys.” The biggest insult comes at the end when they link to a different video where people are wearing masks and shit in the woods, not just practicing in their bedroom. Does anyone else even watch these things?

CLASSIC CLIP: Fear Factory – “Replica”

I don’t pay a lot of attention to fashion, but do metal bands still have to wear shorts? Because they sure did in the ’90s. Pants were nothing but a hindrance for the genre at the time, but maybe it was especially hot in the mausoleum the band’s playing in, because the singer has to perform the whole time with his shirt off. And yeah, there is a bunch of weird technology stuff in here, like Brazil meets Blade Runner, but hold on—I like Fear Factory quite a bit, but who authorized this location? I don’t know if I want the only thing separating my deceased loved one and a nude Burton C. Bell being a pair of loose-fitting JNCOs.

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