Metal Crimes
Happy 2015 Live Nation, here's a lawsuit.
Hi, what are you looking for?
Theobald "Theo" Brooks Lengyel is facing a charge of first-degree murder.
The El Cerrito Police Department is currently looking for Theobald "Theo" Brooks Lengyel.
Happy 2015 Live Nation, here's a lawsuit.
The vocalist of local Salt Lake City hardcore group Close Grip was shot after an altercation.
A few weeks ago, Miss Fortune vocalist Mikey Sawyer had the… misfortune (sorry) of being dropped from his label Sumerian after being arrested on...
Why does Norway have to harsh Wino's mellow?
Dead By Wednesday just released a new EP this summer, Death of the Rockstar and now they are in need of a new vocalist....
That was a close one.
Dirty Deeds Indeed!
Because he was totally a threat!
This is disgusting.
Mikey Sawyer was arrested on Oct. 24th in Tulsa, OK on charges of domestic assault and battery.
You probably won't be hearing from Bloodiest guitarist Sean Riley for a while.
Keep it in your pants, pedo!
I thought juggalos were peaceful.
This case just took an NC-17 turn!
Lawsuit dismissals – how do they work?!
I know you were really worried about King 810 – two members of the band, frontman David Gunn and bassist Eugene Gill were arrested...
Varg claims innocence and places blame on a poser - seriously!
“I’ve only one goal, to have my music heard by the whole world and be famous doing music.” Oh, we heard it alright.
Police said gunshots were fired at the venue around 7:10 p.m with the brawl taking place inside and including knives, bats and machetes.