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10 Defunct Bands That NEED To Come Back!

For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want to see.

For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want to see.

Discordance Axis

Discordance Axis

Truly the vanguard of American grindcore, Discordance Axis blasted their way through the 1990’s, before turning out their swansong/masterpiece, The Inalienable Dreamless in 2000. This wildly innovative album, filled with Rob Marton’s bizarre riffs, Jon Chang’s inhuman shrieks and Dave Witte’s precision blast beats, has become a standard bearer of the genre and sparked a posthumous notoriety the band never enjoyed during their time on active duty. After the band’s demise in 2001, Chang continued grinding with Japanese noisemakers Gridlink, Witte got involved with Burnt By The Sun, Municipal Waste and a million other projects, while Marton chose to remain in obscurity. In light of Chang’s recent retirement from music and Witte’s tendinitis issues which hinder his once mighty blasting abilities, it seems like a potential Discordance Axis reunion remains an impossibility…but we can always dream right?

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