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Opinions Are Mixed On Bands Re-Recording Old Material, According To You

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Metal bands re-record old material for a variety of reasons. Meshuggah (partially) re-recorded Nothing a few years later due to their unhappiness with the original mix, while Testament re-recorded The Legacy and The New Order material for First Strike Still Deadly due to copyright issues preventing them from reissuing the originals at the time. Then there's Manowar who re-recorded Battle Hymns and Kings Of Metal decades later because they're Manowar, and the Cavalera brothers out there currently reclaiming their old Sepultura material.

You get the idea. Old material gets re-recorded sometimes for a variety of reasons. So we asked readers over the weekend how they feel about bands revisiting old material, and opinions were mixed! A good chunk of readers fell into two categories – re-recording is great only if the original material needed a touch-up (34.1% of votes), and being into it regardless (28.3% of votes).

This is how it all shook out:

  1. Only if the original sounds like garbage, otherwise I'll pass (532 votes)
  2. I'm into it, regardless (442 votes)
  3. Pass. Just let the past be the past (278 votes)
  4. I'm into it only if they do something new with it (159 votes)
  5. I'm into it only if they stick to the original compositions (149 votes)
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