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Metal Crimes

Video Surfaces of VEKTOR's David DiSanto Violently Assaulting His Wife

Video footage has surfaced of what appears to be Vektor vocalist/guitarist David DiSanto seemingly assaulting his wife, Katy DiSanto – all because he allegedly wouldn't clean up after his dog.

vektor guitarist

Video footage has surfaced of what appears to be Vektor vocalist/guitarist David DiSanto seemingly assaulting his wife, Katy DiSanto – all because he allegedly wouldn't clean up after his dog.

I would like to warn everybody that we are going to detail some violence and domestic abuse. Katy posted a series of social media posts, according to MetalSucks. One video shows David yelling at Katy and then seemingly throwing her, berating her throwing a pillow at her face and then hitting a wall very hard off camera.

Katy noted in one of the captions that the argument ensued because "he let his dog go to the bathroom in the house and was refusing to clean it up." Katy has filed a Temporary Protection From Abuse Order against David and a lawsuit in family court. She has posted those documents, which you can see below, crediting Women Against Abuse for helping with the legal situation.

In her social media statement, Katy describes several other instances of abuse as the result of David's alcoholism. Katy claims David stole their wedding money as a result of being fired from his job because he showed up hungover too many times. She claims she was sexually assaulted by him and then locked in a basement. He began strangling her while they were in a San Antonio hotel, until another room called the cops. She claims his alcoholism led him to hiding bottles around the house, continuous verbal abuse and lying.

In 2016, all the members of Vektor except for David left the band saying, in a since-deleted Facebook post “Sadly we’ve reached a point where we can’t continue with the working arrangement we have, for a number of reasons that we find unnecessary to discuss publicly. There’s no big story or drama, people and personalities simply change and drift apart and we’ve reached our limit.”

Here is her full statement:

“The warning signs were there from the beginning, but my optimism and his manipulative love-bombing overshadowed them again and again.

“I should’ve known when he stole our wedding money and spent it on booze because he’s been fired from his job for showing up hungover too many times (or not at all). I should’ve known from the compulsive and incessant lying. I should’ve known when he strangled me in that San Antonio hotel room until my cries for help prompted another room to call the cops. I should’ve known the handful of times he claimed he was sobering up – until I inevitably found all the empty liquor bottles and beers cans he’d been hiding.

“I should’ve known from that time I was sexually assaulted in SLC and he locked me in a basement and told me not to talk about it. I should’ve known when he showed preference to other women just to try and make me upset. I should’ve known from the literally thousands of times I was told that his indiscretions and abuse were my own fault. I should’ve known when he tried to rape me. I should’ve known when he smacked me across the face with his phone. I should’ve known when he slapped me and threw me against the wall because i tried to move his beer. I should’ve known when he picked up in the air, slammed me on our bed, and hit me over the head as hard as he could with a cushion.

“I should’ve known when he’d fly into jealous rages, fabricate scenarios, and punish me for things *I never did or said* (things that existed only in his imagination, but had real life consequences). I should’ve known when he punched holes in our bedroom door and later justified it by saying I should calm down, and it could’ve been my face. I should’ve known when he locked my dog outside in below-freezing temperatures for over an hour. I should’ve known when he vandalized our house with spray paint and told me to clean it up. I should’ve known when I was standing the police station at 2am, trembling, filing a report but begging them not to arrest him because I had no money I’d lose everything if he went to jail again. I should’ve known when he repeatedly abandoned his own dog so he could stay out and get drunk. I should’ve known when the dozens of times he put our lives in danger by picking me up from work drunk – and the hundreds of times he’s put other people in danger by driving drunk (sometimes to the point of blacking out) all over town while it’s his right to do so.

“I should’ve known every time he weaponized other people as tools of abuse – falsely claiming others did or said things in attempts to undermine or humiliate me. I should’ve known every time he left me crushed, crying, alone, confused, then apologized and did it all again.”

If you or somebody you know is in trouble, call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

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