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GRAVESEND Exhumes Some Lo-Fi Black Metal on Preparations for Human Disposal

But a very well done version of lo-fi.


If you're looking for grimy, lo-fi black metal from the sewers of New York City, then you need some Gravesend. The band is streaming their debut 8-track demo below.

While the band is begin mum about its members, they tell Decibel “Gravesend is a meeting of the minds of individuals active in other bands of the extreme metal genre. Call it ‘bestial’ or call it ‘grinding death,’ the result of Gravesend’s sonic output is a conflation of its member’s deep roots and active involvement in the black metal, grindcore and death metal scenes.”

The music they write is in tribute to their homebase, New York City, calling it “a city of filth, the bizarre and the unsavory. It’s here where the misfits, the needle chasers, the urban scrawlers, the hermits, the underground tunnel dwellers that all find sanctuary in this welcoming stronghold of the weird. We draw on this as inspiration of simultaneous disgust and amazement. From this our sound manifests.”

One track, "Verrzzano Floater," is based on a true story “You might think of Verrazzano Floater as the large black bag floating from Gravesend Bay, through upper New York harbor. It’s based on the true story of the dismembered body found near that Bay.”

Limited quantites of the EP are also available here from Stygian Black Hand.


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