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HOLY SERPENT Burns Slowly Through Endless Stacks Of Riffs On "Lord Deceptor"

Please pack your bowl prior to listening.


Are you in the mood for some slow-burning riffs? Is your bowl all packed? Great, because we've got a brand new Holy Serpent track titled "Lord Deceptor". Seriously, these dudes are the median between what Monolord is doing and Black Sabbath's quicker Ozzy-era stuff. Vocalist and guitarist Scott Penberthy explains Holy Serpent's new album Endless.

“Lyrically, it’s heavily influenced by the ocean. Lots of ocean metaphors and imagery was used. Also the title of the album Endless, is an homage to the ocean: Its mystery, power and its ability to give and take life.”

Pre-order here, and catch Holy Serpent on tour.

09/04 Rome, IT @ Traffic
09/05 Torino, IT @ Blah Blah
09/06 Parma, IT @ Splinter
09/07 Alessandria, IT @ Cascina Bellaria
09/08 Palosco, IT @ OI Muli
09/09 Zerobranco, IT @ Altroquando
09/10 Wien, AT @ Venster99
09/11 Salzburg, AT @ Rockhouse
09/12 Augsburg, DE @ City Club
09/13 Olten, CH @ Coq D’Or
09/14 Brunnen, CH @ Kult Turm
09/17 London, UK @ The Raven Tower Bridge
09/18 Bristol, UK @ The Old England
09/19 Lille, FR @ Do It Yourself Cafe
09/20 Martigny, CH @ Le Caves Du Manoir
09/23 Koln, DE @ MTC
09/24 Bielefeld, DE @ Potemkin
09/25 Oldenburg, DE @ MTS Record Shop
09/26 Berlin, DE @ Toast Hawaii
09/27 Siegen, DE @ Vortex
09/28 Frauenfeld, CH @ Kaff

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