Nekrogoblikon can't meet up with producer Jason Suecof to record their next album right now because COVID-19 is still going strong (thanks, non-mask wearers). So they've covered System of a Down's classic "Chop Suey!" and stuck very much to their usual sound.
Nekrogoblikon has also provided the following reasons why they chose to cover the track:
- Nicky's Armenian heritage
- It is such a legendary singalong classic for metal nerds like us
- Ignites the Nü spirit of the world which burns as bright as the flame decals on our pickup trucks and button-up shirts, perfectly accentuating our chain wallets, spiked hair, JNCO jeans, and ball necklaces
- Honor to share the stage
- Can I borrow your amp
- Probably another reason too
- Chop Fucking Suey
Fair enough.