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NIGHTMARER (THE OCEAN, Ex-GIGAN) Bring The Abysmal Heaviness On "Fetisch"

Nightmarer's debut album might be one of the best of the year.

Nightmarer's debut album might be one of the best of the year.

Nightmarer, the band consisting of vocalist John Collett (Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky, ex-Gigan), drummer Paul Seidel (The Ocean), and guitarist Simon Hawemann (ex-War from a Harlots Mouth) will release their debut album Cacophony Of Terror on March 23. We've already premiered a song from the album and expressed our extremely positive thoughts about it, but we're going to do it again here!

"Fetisch" is just heavy, man. The song sounds like what I'd imagine Deathspell Omega would sound like if all they listened to was stuff like Black Tongue and Ulcerate. It's bone-crushing heaviness that never even considers relenting, which makes it basically the perfectly heavy listen.


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