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THE ACACIA STRAIN Streams Fifth EP, Announces New Album Slow Decay

They cannot be stopped.

The Acacia Strain

The Acacia Strain has finally spelled out Decay with all five of their EPs.  You can stream Y below, which contains "One Thousand Painful Stings," featuring Spiritbox singer Courtney LaPlante, and "EARTH WILL BECOME DEATH."

"Shoutout to Courtney for adding her expertise — and different dynamic — to this song extremely last minute," said vocalist Vincent Bennett. "Are we at the bottom? Are we at the end, or are we just getting started?"

Even better, The Acacia Strain has announced a new album titled Slow Decay for July 24. Slow Decay will feature all 10 songs from their five EPs, plus two new ones titled "Crippling Poison" and "Birds of Paradise, Birds of Prey."

"The whole concept is reality breaking down around us," said Bennett about the album. "We've done our time on earth, broken through the boundaries of what reality actually is, and we're now witnessing our collective descent into madness. Lyrically and sonically, everything reflects that. You're getting the vision piece by piece. The whole theme is a slow dive. By the same token, it organically becomes one record instead of just one big push out of the gate. As soon as you think you're getting the hang of it, we throw out a wrench with the full-length. There's no evidence to suggest we're aren't actually in a living hell. The things happening around us could be out of a comic book or a movie. The idea is, 'This can't be real.' Maybe something happened. Maybe we're all dead and we don't even know it. Maybe we're just living in some augmented reality hellscape of actual planet earth."

Pre-orders for both Y and Slow Decay are available here.

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