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WILLOW SMITH Releases Another New Rock Song, "Lipstick," Announces Full-Length Album

Willow Smith
photo: Dana Trippe

We love watching Willow's continued exploration of the rock and metal genres. A few weeks ago, she released a catchy hard rock tune, "Transparent Soul," with the help of Travis Barker and even recently performed with a one-off reunion of her mother's band, Jada Pinkett-Smith's Wicked Wisdom. Today, she officially announced her next album.

WILLOW, as her name is stylized, will be releasing  lately I feel EVERYTHING July 16th on MSFTSMusic/Roc Nation. Besides an appearance by Travis Barker, Avril Lavigne is also advertised for the album.

She also unveiled a new single, a pop-rock single called "Lipstick." You can listen below. Willow plays guitar on the album and notes in a statement “I personally feel it’s just really important to play an instrument if you’re going to have a career in music.”

Willow has been inspired for years by rock, namely musicians like Avril, Hayley Williams, Gerard Way, and Patrick Stump. “I realized that it’s not my voice that can’t sing this kind of music. I was afraid to sing this kind of music because I wasn’t sure what people would think,” she said in a statement.

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