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James Hetfield Narrated A Documentary On Porn Addiction

James Hetfield, budding voiceover actor?

James Hetfield, budding voiceover actor?

Filmmaker Justin Hunt is scheduling screenings for his new documentary on porn addiction, titled Addicted to Porn: Chasing the Cardboard Butterfly. The issue of addiction is a serious one, and it's great that Hunt is addressing it in his documentary… also, James Hetfield of Metallica narrated the whole thing.

Other than crediting Hetfield on the documentary's site, nothing else about him is mentioned. Though Hetfield is no stranger to voice acting either, as he was on an episode of American Dad.

Still, I wouldn't have though he'd show up on a documentary on porn addicition.

Like it or not, porn is here and it is harmful. In this controversial film, award-winning filmmaker Justin Hunt dissects the impact of pornography on societies around the globe, from how it affects the brain of the individual, to how modern technology leads to greater exposure to youth, to watching it literally tear a family apart. In what may well be one of the most devastating issues in modern culture, this film will break down the damage that porn is doing to us a human race and leave you thinking that it's clearly time that we start taking porn addiction a bit more seriously.


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