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Phil Anselmo Started Another Death Metal Group Called METATRON NGANGA

Phil and Superjoint drummer Joey Gonzalez are about to bring it.

Phil and Superjoint drummer Joey Gonzalez are about to bring it.

Phil Anselmo is really upping the heavies lately, huh? He recently announced Scour, which is an upcoming death metal band featuring members of Cattle Decapitation and Pig Destroyer, and now he's got another new group called Metatron Nganga!

Outside of its strange name, all we know is that it involves Anselmo and Superjoint drummer Joey Gonzalez. has the full scoop on the band! Here's what they uncovered.

With eyes wide open and the enthusiasm of a 14-year-old kid listening to Altars of Madness for the first time, he moved his finger across the word document on the screen following the lyrics to the songs that he growled along to under his breath. The songs are mysterious, dark, and, from my vantage point, they are not far removed from the spirit of old Immolation and Incantation, or even Mexico’s Shub Niggurath. Metraton Nganga sounds bleak and ominous, evoking the same feelings one might have while hallucinating and staring at some dark illustrations by the likes of Hieronymus Bosch or William Blake. It’s thunderous, yet it has a distant, detached dream-like quality. It will be interesting to see how this band develops.

All I needed to see were the words "Phil Anselmo" and "Immolation" in the same sentence to be stoked on this project, but damn… all of that sounds awesome! Here's hoping we hear something about this soon enough.

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Apparently this was an issue between King and management, too.