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THE RED CHORD rejoined by original drummer Mike Justian

The Red Chord

I've been sitting on this piece of news for quite a while, but THE RED CHORD have added original drummer Mike Justian back into the mix. Mike is replacing longtime drummer Brad Fickeisen, who quit the band after the last tour claiming he's over touring. Guitarist Mike "Gunface" McKenzie released the following statement to Lambgoat:

Says guitarist Mike McKenzie, "It's great to be jamming with Mike again. His approach to drumming is truly unique and amazing. Even though it has been about 6 years since he has played this stuff, his playing is stronger than ever. We've rehearsed almost every day for the last month and we can't wait to do this live again."

I am pretty excited about this as the band's debut release Fused Together In Revolving Doors (which Justian drums on) is still stands as my favorite release. I went through our archives and found an old episode of our original episodic show (the precursor to the FiX) and found an old interview and decent live footage of the band performing at CBGBs at some point in 2004. You also get to see me looking half as fat as I do now. Seriously, I look anorexic in this video. Check out the clip here.

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