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ANDREW W.K. Launches His Own Political Party Called The Party Party

Andrew W.K. for president in 2020?

Andrew W.K. for president in 2020?

As we're all aware, the American presidential election in 2016, and political situation in general, is kind of a shitshow. So it's a bit of relief to know that Andrew W.K., master partier and generally good dude, has entered the political arena… for real though. Dude started up The Party Party and has a full-on website going right here where you can sign a petition for the party to be legitimately recognized by the government.

Here's what the party is all about.

The Party Party is simple in its mission: To free the American people from the dysfunction that is our two party system. At best, bi-partisan politics has created an insurmountable divide that has separated the people into two categories of Democrat and Republican. The Party Party aims to provide an alternative to the divisive labeling of our current system. Most people have become too caught up in the bickering of our news cycles to realize that we ultimately desire the exact same things: reliable access to education, healthcare, and a sense of social equality. If enough people are willing to liberate themselves from choosing left or right, a third voice can emerge with a much more powerful message. A message that will open the eyes of our representatives and help them see that this “Us versus Them” mentality has kept our country from providing its people with a REAL sense of freedom. If we open our hearts and approach the problems we face with an open mind, real change can be achieved. We hope you will join us on this journey.

You can also check out Andrew's sincere message here… so y'know, Andrew W.K. for President in 2020.


[via Brooklyn Vegan]

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