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In The Studio

DEVILDRIVER Has Begun Tracking Vocals For A New Double Album

Farfara didn't want to begin tracking vocals until it was raining.

Farfara didn't want to begin tracking vocals until it was raining.

DevilDriver vocalist Dez Farfara revealed back in July 2018 the band was in the studio recording a total of 25 songs for a concept double record. He added that "you’re going to get a release every 15-18 months from DevilDriver, from here on out in my career," which is pretty ambitious but also doable if you're always writing.

Now in a new Instagram post, Farfara has revealed he's tracking vocals for the new records, meaning 2019 is the year you're going to start getting a new DevilDrive record every 15-18 months. Farfara also didn't want to begin tracking vocals until it was raining.

Tracking has fucking begun #HaunteDDstudios – Leave it all on the Table for The Heavy ! #DoOrDie @devildriver @theoraclemgmt #metal #groovemetal #thecaliforniagroovemachine @steveevetts @napalmrecordsofficial @thomas.napalmrecords #FuckActiveRock #DieWithYourBootsOn #NoCompromise #NoPussingOut … I WOULD NOT ALLOW TRACKING TO START UNTIL IT WAS RAINING OUTSIDE – now in a full rain monsoon we start -WEEK OF RAIN GONNA HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY ON THESE TRACKS BRING THE THUNDER THE LIGHTENING AND THE RAIN BRING THE ENERGY OF THE SKY DOWN UPON THIS ROOFTOP !

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