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"There were no bigger egos or anything, he got down to it when he needed to."
Hi, what are you looking for?
"I think at some point obviously we'll want to go back to all that stuff and maybe consider doing something with it."
"Unforeseen circumstances" are the cause.
"There were no bigger egos or anything, he got down to it when he needed to."
Despite their recent appearance in the studio.
Airing every Saturday!
It's a good time to get back into Kittie.
It's been a crappy day for bands losing members and breaking up.
Great album, sucks they called it a day.
Composer Nomi Abadi takes issue with how Elfman portrayed his side of the story.
"An accusation was leveled at me, Niko, during our 2024 European Tour."
"We've got two more singles recorded and ready to release."
"I've got my little app that has bird noises and I can see which one they are."
This has been going on since 2018.
"It could be called System Of A Down, but it's not going to really be System Of A Down."
"Don't hate on people because they're successful."
"It's exactly where we were as a band at that time."
"Sometimes, I take it off after the first ten seconds, and other times, I listen to it to the end."
And why some producers don't quite grab a band's sound.
Alongside a conversation with Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge.
Whatever works, right?
The Deftones tape was the more expensive one.