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CLUTCH THRASH! Probably not, but maybe.
Hi, what are you looking for?
He takes an interesting stance on one A Perfect Circle record, too.
"I tried to troubleshoot, and I said, 'Look, I could think of a few singers that could fill in,' and I gave some names...
CLUTCH THRASH! Probably not, but maybe.
Jeff Matz of High On Fire really likes Arthur Brown, so instead of talking about his band we just discussed his dad and 70s...
Dudes from Unleashed and Necrophobic too!
Sithter makes for the most sinister sludge to come out of Tokyo (and perhaps the world) on this week's The Wednesday Sludge!
The same brothers who really don't like Frankie Palmeri now have Lakeshore, which is pretty melodic.
Bandcamp's revenue, not the bands' revenue.
Benighted is down to just its founding vocalist.
Yes. free. Kurt Ballou.
"You ever eaten Lucky Charms before? Imagine if all the marshmallows were different types of animal shit."
He suffers from SUNCT, or short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing.
Instrumental progressive madness!
Godsmack, Coheed and Cambria, Breaking Benjamin, etc.
These better be the most comfortable socks of all time.
James Hetfield, budding voiceover actor?
A new EP is coming. We don't know when, but it's coming.
Another great musician vanishes from the Earth.
Aluk Todolo and Insect Ark are two of the weirdest, and most exciting bands navigating the scene today, which makes their upcoming West Coast tour (Along with multiple...
Frankie Palmeri isn't even an Emmure fan, apparently.
Two tracks for... something.
Nicholls played keyboards in Sabbath from 1980 to 1995.
Some people are just fucking scumbags.