Injection Reflection
I can't believe it's already October. I still remember being incredibly shit-faced on New Years as if it was yesterday. Now I have to...
Hi, what are you looking for?
Plus releases from Confess, Enterprise Earth, Lunar, and Tayne.
Jered Eames has a history lying, so...
"The things that we weren't agreeing on weren’t changing."
"It was not just Nightwish. I've said this quite a few times, that I actually left everything."
I can't believe it's already October. I still remember being incredibly shit-faced on New Years as if it was yesterday. Now I have to...
Bands can't make a living off record sales anymore. That seems to be a forgone conclusion. So, now these bands and their representation are...
[youtube][/youtube] A few days ago we took a moment to remember Metallica's legendary late bassist Cliff Burton. A few days ago, his sweet 86...
[tv][/tv] I don't know if you guys are following this circus that is the Republican Presidental Primaries, but personally, I feel like nobody has...
Last night, Devildriver frontman Dez Fafara tweeted that he co-wrote and sang with Max Cavalera "on the heaviest track I've heard from SOULFLY ever...
If this costume doesn't float your boat, consider Frank's Halloween tips from last year. [ via Shreddit ]
Our photo gallery is constantly being updated with sexy snapshots of shows happing all across the world. Here are just some of the shows...
This is exciting news. German technical metal gods Obscura have gone and announced a headlining tour of the US. The band will be hitting...
I think we need to stop asking if there is any way that Dave Grohl can be cooler, because the answer will always be...
[youtube][/youtube] Corey Taylor recently put out his book, Seven Deadly Sins, and recently recorded an audiobook version. Has anybody ever actually listened to audiobooks?...