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Music Videos

The song's called "Rex Perverso". You can guess what that translates to.

Deep Cuts

It's also a good excuse to listen to Gojira.

Tour Dates

Prior to their tour with The Acacia Strain and Frozen Soul.



"Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead is surely one of Avatarium's finest LPs due to its consistent songwriting and familiar yet wide-ranging...


"Simply calling this black metal, or even post-black metal, risks overlooking the ways this band has grown past labels, pursuing catharsis instead of acceptance."


"Lightning In A Bottle, in terms of the music contained within is the exemplar of what great doom metal should be."


In a just world, Faithxtractor would be way bigger than they are now. The band's driving force, Ash Thomas, is a singular extreme metal...



Remember yesterday when we posted that amazing story about Dave Mustaine wanting back in to Metallica? Great stuff. During that same interview, Mustaine was...


…and why wouldn't they? They've been making KISS coffins for years, and with the newly introduced condoms, this was obviously the next product to...